Sunday, July 24, 2005

Recording! Day 6...

So this is day 2 of our second studio at Orbit. Once leaving Bob Lang Studios and getting all the nitty gritty drums worked out, I figured the rest would be easy. Fuck, I forgot I had to actually sing. So yesterday I got my ass worked off and only tracked two songs. I wonder if anyone who isn't a musician has any idea the amout of planning, thought and sweat that goes into making a record.

Onto drugs - how can anyone do this high? I don't understand how anyone would be able to get completely fucked on H and make a record. It's bad enough being hopped up on caffiene and nicotine and then to throw a little booze on top....I just don't understand. Maybe it's easier on dope. Maybe I should just do dope. Ah, too broke.


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