Thursday, April 17, 2008

Thursday la, la la la la...

So working at drugstore...oh boy. Thursday stresses me OUT! It's actually my 5th Thursday. That afternoon meeting where I have to go over projects and look dumb every week (recurring dumb dumb!) is no fun EVER. I think last week I was more relaxed during the meeting. I felt I had permission to give control over to the flow of the meeting and the participants. Luckily this week, there is a big management meeting and most of the big "ballahs" won't be in attendance. That said, some one will for sure call me out on my lack of being up to date on the active list. I am going to be staying up all night and update the dumb list.

My back is still not doing good. Thank you poppy plants for oxycontin. I don't know what I'd do if I had to rely on my doctor and vicodin for some relief. I know the doc is just doing what she thinks is the best way to give me some pain relief without hocking me to China with a serious opiate addiction but then again, we're a bit late for that.

I've been pretty down lately. I think the stress of the job, the hideous pain in my back/leg/hip/brain and the fact that I have my third Mother's Day with no living mother is really bumming me out That and the fact that I'm just beat tired, PMSing and of course living in a pig pen.

I gotta start attacking the mess. It's getting to be regoddamndicuolus.

Hopefully no one ever reads this but me. Time to update those privacy settings!


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