Sunday, July 24, 2005

Recording! Day 6...

So this is day 2 of our second studio at Orbit. Once leaving Bob Lang Studios and getting all the nitty gritty drums worked out, I figured the rest would be easy. Fuck, I forgot I had to actually sing. So yesterday I got my ass worked off and only tracked two songs. I wonder if anyone who isn't a musician has any idea the amout of planning, thought and sweat that goes into making a record.

Onto drugs - how can anyone do this high? I don't understand how anyone would be able to get completely fucked on H and make a record. It's bad enough being hopped up on caffiene and nicotine and then to throw a little booze on top....I just don't understand. Maybe it's easier on dope. Maybe I should just do dope. Ah, too broke.

Friday, July 22, 2005

No press, no peace, no love...

Well tomorrow is R-day (r stands for Recording). We'll be in the studio for maybe the last time as Via Ventura at least in our current configuration. Don't know if Nick is leaving yet or not for sure but Hawaii beckons him out of Seattle so we'll see. Gotta say that Joe seems like he'll take great care of us in the studio and he's a great connection to have made. We should be afforded the chance to play a small three song set at El Corozon in August as part of his studio band collaboration type thing.

Went to the Seattle Rock School showcase at the Vera tonight after work. Jon was in his usual "business as usual" mask pulling kids around, helping them tune guitars and getting their shit together. Besides running into Wendy and Julie-o, the highlight was getting the chance to talk to Ben from Visqueen about how it was to tour with the Muffs and how Ronnie got new glasses two weeks after I saw them play. I thought it had been about 10 years of him wearing those glasses but I was corrected. Ben is great and it's too bad that Visqueen cannot headline the show I have booked at the Sunset in September.

anyway, offers are out. No bands have bit. It'd be cool if I could book someone outrageous like Frank Black or Radiohead...or maybe Pearl Jam would come play a secret show for my humble guitarists' birthday. I can say what I want here...thus the tag on top. I get no press so fuck it seems that I accidentally created a booking/promotions company.

It's no secret to anyone who knows me that getting my foot in the door being a nobody isn't ever impossible for me. I booked the goddamn Sunset! MY band is playing the SUNSET!!! Still, I have to find two more bands with draws to bite and since I have no reputation as a booking agent or promoter under my current company name, it's probably a stretch to think that Frank Black will knock down my door tomorrow and beg me to play. Thank god Frank is too cool to read blogs!

I'm supposed to be warming up, practicing and working on sore spots. I think I'll make the band leave while I record at least one of the songs. Why? Because I CAN. it's fun and sometimes I like to have fun too.

It could be time to pop a xanax and watch the Dateline special on a hot Seattle Friday night in preparation for the big day of recording. In fact, it's two days of my life again for the band that just keeps going. I hate my life as much as I love it sometimes and this is one of these times. Dread and no press, no peace and definitely no love.

Monday, July 11, 2005

ah bed time

so I'm trying to get to bed earlier this month. The next two weeks are going to be quite a challenge.

I have found that getting ready earlier is okay but I still put off going to sleep. The sooner I sleep the sooner I have to wake up to the reality that I have to be in the office. It's not that I hate my job or anything I just don't care that much about the trivial things I get to deal with on a day to day basis.

So this time I'm more than 1.5 hours late for sleep. My feet hurt from all of the work I did in my apartment this weekend. I cleaned and cleaned and cleaned. I feel like I made some huge strides in getting my kitchen in proper order but now I have all of these other rooms that are haunting me. I have made dents in each of the small rooms but it is what it is and I've limited time.

Something rather interesting that I'd like to reflect back on cat Jasper...if I'm not in bed by 10PM, he comes to where ever I am to yell at me. He'll meow and bark his complaints at me until he tires. Then he goes to bed. He'll come back out to which ever room and yell again.

Airey (the other damn cat) on the other hand, doesn't care. She just sleeps and then when she knows I'm fast asleep, she wakes up to come and sleep on top of me. I wake up with scratches some mornings wondering what the fucking cats were doing the night before while I slept but it doesn't last long. I soon scramble to shower and brush my teeth before downing my daily pot of coffee in preparation for the day.

I hope to hell I can get this shit done at work I've to do. It weighs on me like a huge weight that I can't ever carry ...kind of like my bills and the cleanliness of my living space. *sigh* alas another day.

I need a goddamn man to come and occupy my heart. Where the fuck is he anyway?

Sunday, July 10, 2005


one more hour ...

One hour = one gig on an overworked G4 Powerbook!!

Transferring files from one external hard drive to another takes about 1 day per 15 gigs for my little super baby to accomplish...but she's tried and true with her one gig of RAM and her resistance to give up.

I can't believe it's been really, two days straight that she's been chugging along moving data from place to place.

Just checked....32 minutes to go! Reminds me of a Johnny Cash song
Well they're building a gallows outside my cell
I've got 25 minutes to go
And the whole town's waitin' just to hear me yell
I've got 24 minutes to go
...I can see the skies with 3 more minutes to go And it's to dern pretty for a man that don't wanna die 2 more minutes to go I can see the buzzards I can hear the crows 1 more minute to go And now I'm swingin' and here I go-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o!

I just can't get enough...

I'm afraid...we're very afraid. We could have began the transfer from military presence in Iraq to the empowering of the Iraq's government. Today, in Baghdad and Kirkuk they bombed again...Insurgents are spurring Bush's success. I don' t know if Kerry would have been better but we cannot go on like this.
March on London throuh the current blitz.
"To build may have to be the slow and laborious task of years. To destroy can be the thoughtless act of a single day."
Sir Winston Churchill
Remember lest we forget that Sir Churchill also wrote in a letter during WWII that he feared that it may be his last note as the Germans were approaching 10 Downing Street. That building stands to this day in a perfect state.

Saturday, July 09, 2005

fuck it all to hell

I'm pretending that I've never done this. Well fuck, I have. Yes, I'm swearing.

so that's my latest sense of language and choosing to use the f word on the mic at shows. don't care much, i'm just the singer. I write words and then I say them.

This London stuff is quite telling. I listened to BBC World News on Siris most of the day today. I was cleaning and it seemed quite trivial to me that I'm so worried about the condition of my living space as London proper and Birmingham in the midlands are so focused on national security.

Even as I write here, I'm thinking "my left middle finger nail is too long to type with anymore". Seems like blogs are best suited for those with political opinion or some righteous cause to support. Well, I'm both of those things yet more concerned with whether or not my carpets are dashingly clean should I happen to invite friends over for tea.

I have practice tomorrow at 4pm. I labor over whether or not the band will make it through the next tough patch I see coming on the horizon. Regardless, my mother is here and alive so all is well. The cats are fed well and fat and my rent check might have some hopes of clearing this month so I could be in sound shape.

If I believed in God, I'd pray for those who are experiencing what it is that we felt empathetically on September 11th. As I sit here I recall Wednesday evening feeling a distinct dissatisfaction with how someone I know who is from London may be at that moment. I was concerned for him as I drove out of downtown Seattle. the next morning I hear of the bombings on the tube and bus.

I remember last I visited London. I was close to Tottingham Court Road tube stop. When I think of him now I am teary and I wish that things were different for me but I know he's okay. I just know he has people there that he cares about.

anyway, nothing is as important as peace. The 10th year anniversary of the massacre in Bosnia has passed. The loved ones of the victims are yet to some of their dead. My thoughts are with the world we live in and this life of mine in general. Getting it on track somehow makes me feel as if I'm contributing to society in some way.

saying your thoughts are with something doesn't seem as important as saying your prayers are with someone. For me in my spirit, it holds as much meaning and I hope does as much good.

P.S. BLOG isn't in the blog dictionary of spell check. Irony has no limits.